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Du bist hier: Startseite » Produkte » Beauty & Gesundheit » Ultra Luxe Body Bronzing Pills
44,39 * kostenloser Versand

Ultra Luxe Body Bronzing Pills

Mit dem Kauf geht 1 € mehrkostenfrei an das Sozialprojekt COIN OF HELP, das sich für wohnungslose Mütter mit ihren Kindern einsetzt.

You don`t have to go to exotic beaches to get that Brazilian bronze with Copacabana tanning pills. Get the colour you crave within weeks from these tan enhancing supplements made with beta-carotene, an organic pigment that promotes a golden glow. Self tanning tablets allow you to achieve a healthy and attractive bronze without exposing yourself to the sun`s dangerous rays or rubbing chemical-smelling fake tan creams on your skin. It`s an easy way to maintain the darkest tan all year-round, even if the weather isn`t quite as agreeable. The expert team at Copacabana understand that you want to look great without the risks and these tanning pills will help you do just that.DIRECTIONSTake once a day, can be taken with meals or with water.INGREDIENTSBeta Carotene, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Modified Maize Starch, Magnesium Stearate.
* Die Preise können sich seit der letzten Aktualisierung verändert haben.
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