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Du bist hier: Startseite » Produkte » Beauty & Gesundheit » Prevent Excessive Sweating Pills
19,97 * kostenloser Versand

Prevent Excessive Sweating Pills

Mit dem Kauf geht 1 € mehrkostenfrei an das Sozialprojekt COIN OF HELP, das sich für wohnungslose Mütter mit ihren Kindern einsetzt.

Escape one of the summerÕs most unwanted side effects with these anti-sweating pills, which help to reduce the amount of sweat your body produces Ð even in the most humid conditions. These natural and harmless ingredients have been expertly blended to provide you with a formula that helps you to achieve a dry look Ð even in those typical problem areas, such as underarms, neck, and scalp. Excess sweat can cause embarrassment and discomfort for many people. So donÕt let sweat ruin your summer anymore Ð order these handy sweating pills for the easy and cost-effective alternative to surgical or invasive medical procedures.DIRECTIONSTake once a day, can be taken with meals or with water.INGREDIENTSBulking Agent:Sunflower Oil, Capsule Shell (Gelatine, Glycerin), Salvia Lavendulaefolia (Essential Oil of Spanish Sage). Each Pill provides on average 50mg of Spanish Sage).
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