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Du bist hier: Startseite » Produkte » Beauty & Gesundheit » Face Anti Wrinkle Banish The Botox Pills
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Face Anti Wrinkle Banish The Botox Pills

Mit dem Kauf geht 1 € mehrkostenfrei an das Sozialprojekt COIN OF HELP, das sich für wohnungslose Mütter mit ihren Kindern einsetzt.

Don`t really fancy the pain or expense of Botox injections to maintain that youthful look? Nip and Tuck anti-wrinkle pills can provide results from the comfort of your own home. Developed alongside an expert team of surgeons, the anti-wrinkle pills contain ingredients essential to the stimulation of collagen production, a structural protein found naturally in the skin that helps to lift and increase skin firmness. With regular use, Nip and Tuck anti-wrinkle pills will help your skin appear visibly smoother and reduce the visibility of wrinkles, giving you younger-looking skin without the need for expensive surgical or cosmetic procedures.DIRECTIONSTake once a day, can be taken with meals or with water.INGREDIENTSCollagen, Capsule Shell: Gelatine.
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